Political News

Lilly Babin
1 min readMar 10, 2021

CNA Week 6

Biden to order 100 million more doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine

President Joe Biden will announce on Wednesday his plan to order 100 million more doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that just got approved. Johnson & Johnson are unsure whether or not they will be able to provide this many vaccines for America by springtime. Johnson & Johnson already promised 20 million vaccines thus month, and hopefully they will continue to provide millions more.

House passes bill aimed at strengthening unions

This week the House passed legislation directed at strengthening workers’ rights and would carry out penalties to companies that violate labor laws. This bill is necessary to ensure that workers are not denied rights in direct results of their immigration status. The legislation needs to assemble 60 votes for it to be signed into law and pass.

House to hold final vote on Covid-19 stimulus bill

The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill is being debated in the House today. The money will help revive the economy as well as assist families who are being affected by the virus. The House will be taking a final vote on the bill soon.

